Enacting Ecological Aesthetics

/ Resources: Conversation series

Mind, Ecology, Enaction - Encounters between Gregory Bateson and Francisco Varela: Evan Thompson and Bruce Clark in Conversation with Dulmini Perera

To use podcast showmarks and get more information click the link

To see PowerPoint prepared by Bruce Clarke and Dulmini Perera click the link

Q&A participants: Dulmini Perera, Evan Thompson, Bruce Clarke, Paul Pangaro, Stephen Nachmanovitch, Tyler Volk, Eve Pinsker, Dr. Kupela, John Torday, Sofia Penabaz-Wiley, Amy Varela

Production team: Dulmini Perera, Stefanie Huthöfer, Leonie Link

Sketch note credit: Leonie Link

Podcast production: Stefanie Huthöfer

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